Although not the classic in New Jordan 2020, the Air Jordan 6 “Bordeaux” is a veritable classic in spirit. Although some people may prefer its return on AJ7, this color scheme still gives people a strong sense of nostalgia. Landing in just a few days, the product is very similar to its inspiration. The black cover wraps the dark gray base, and the suede is of the same quality as velvet. The tool roughly followed suit, blocking in a slightly different way, while the nominal “Bordeaux” illuminates the satin sheen of the instep. The rest of the tongue is what makes AJ6 unique because it replaces the original multi-color with a pure neutral color.
Although I may not know from experience, 2020 Cheap Jordans often hear that being a Knicks fan is difficult. However, with the change in talent, the team seems to be showing great hope now, so it should be no problem to be proud of your blue and orange blood. Therefore, if you want to add a pair of shoes that are suitable for the game in the rotation, there is nothing more to ask, because the Nike Vapormax Plus returns with a more appropriate color scheme. Cool colors lead the trend and are distributed on the upper with gradual intensity. Along the forefoot, the saturation of the shadows is much lower and can easily be replaced by black at the ends of the spectrum. Neutrals also appeared on the shoelace unit, counter, midsole and TPU frame, drowning out the louder orange accents marked along the back and tongue tags.
Although Retro Jordan 2021 may have ended with the support of Edward Gaming, Nike has not officially celebrated. This means that their “Have A Good Game” series will soon grow and develop, and Nike Air Force 1 Pixel is an important part of the event. Here, the shoes return with another energetic performance. Orange and blue pastels run through the entire skirt and are distributed to varying degrees on the upper. However, cool colors occupy most of the spotlight, with their suede covering the sherbet-like base and tongue. Elsewhere, pink accents the neon stylish heel label to create a sun visor, which is then superimposed with Swoosh and gamer-style logos. Volt has perfected the color palette in some places, and further brightened the color scheme with a pixelated midsole and polygonal dubrae.

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